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Henderson County Lady Colonel Softball Player Anna Willett Commits to Murray State University

Henderson, KY, USA / WSON AM & FM
Henderson County Lady Colonel Softball Player Anna Willett Commits to Murray State University

By Ryan Davenport, WSON Sports Correspondent 

On Wednesday afternoon, November 9th, senior Lady Colonel softball player Anna Willett signed to continue her athletic career playing for the Murray State University Lady Racers. 


I was able to interview and ask Anna some questions about her future softball career at Murray State and her senior season as a Lady Colonel.

The first question I asked Anna was what’s this moment feel like having just officially signed to play college softball, and Anna responded with this, “This moment is like nothing I have ever felt, because all my family and friends and teammates and everybody just come together as one to support me and it’s probably one of the best feelings I’ve ever had. It’s all the support behind you, it’s just the best feeling in the world.” 


The second question I asked Anna was why Murray State was the best fit for her, “ Murray State (was) the best fit for me because I’m more of a family girl. It’s in my radius of going only about two hours from home and I can still come home if something happens. The atmosphere down at Murray is just something I love, it’s just a very home (type of) vibe,” Anna responded. 

The third question I asked Anna was who she would like to thank that made this day possible, and Anna responded with this answer, “I would like to thank my parents more than anyone else because they went through taking me here. All the plane rides, the hours spent in the car, all the money, playing travel for over ten years it’s just been a lot and it all paid off in the end and I just thank them more than anyone. (I also thank) my teammates for pushing me and getting me through slumps or getting me out of this or that. My coaches (Shannon) Troutman, Kris Kemp, all of my coaches, they’ve done a lot for me and I’m just very grateful for all of those people in my life.”


 The fourth question I asked Anna was what she wanted to accomplish in her senior season at Henderson County, “In my senior season I really want us to accomplish (being) better or meeting the record we had last year (where) we only lost two times. I really want to try to hit that again or not lose at all and then obviously state is where we’re headed and I hope we do well again there,” Anna added.


The final question I asked Anna was what the Lady Colonels team goals were this upcoming season, and Anna responded with this answer, “Our team goal most likely, the top one, would have to be state, winning it all. Another one I think is coming together again like we did last year because we just played well, so fluently, and played together as a unit and we did that very well last year and I just hope this year goes just as well as it did last year.”


Last season Anna led the team in runs batted in (RBI’s) with 45 on the season.


Anna and the Henderson County Lady Colonels will open their 2023 softball season on Monday, March 13th, 2023 at home against the Apollo E-gals at 5:45 P.M.


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