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Henderson County Schools 2023- 2024 State Assessment Data Available for Review

Henderson, KY, USA / WSON AM & FM
Henderson County Schools 2023- 2024 State Assessment Data Available for Review

The Kentucky Department of Education has released the Spring 2024 state assessment data from the Kentucky Summative Assessment (KSA). These assessments are Kentucky’s measure of student proficiency and progress on the state content standards. This is the second year the current accountability system, with status and change as ways to evaluate state indicators, has been in full implementation.


KSA 2024

Grades 3 – 8, 10
Grades 3 – 8, 10
Grades 4, 7, 11
Social Studies
Grades 5, 8, 11
Grades 5, 8, 11
and above
Proficient  and Distinguished Apprentice
and above

and Distinguished

and above
Proficient  and Distinguished Apprentice
and above
Proficient  & Distinguished Apprentice
and above
Proficient  and Distinguished
Elementary 84% 58% 82% 58% 93% 46% 69% 39% 83% 44%
Middle School 76% 52% 78% 51% 69% 23% 61% 31% 83% 49%
High School 78% 53% 75% 48% Suppressed 58% 32% 80% 38%


*Apprentice is most closely correlated with grade level.
*Proficient is most closely correlated with above grade level.

*Distinguished is most closely correlated with significantly above grade level

 *Suppressed data – unreported data


HCS Highlights


84% of our students scored at or above grade level in reading.
82% of our students scored at or above grade level in math.


76% of our students scored at or above grade level in reading.
78% of our students scored at or above grade level in math.



78% of our students scored at or above grade level in reading
75% of our students scored at or above grade level in math.


HCHS Highlights


All of Kentucky’s public school juniors participate in the ACT, which assesses English, mathematics, reading, and science abilities and is scored on a scale of 1 to 36.


English Mathematics Reading Science Composite
18.4 19.1 19.8 20.2 19.5


 HCHS Postsecondary Readiness

The Postsecondary Readiness Indicator gives students flexibility in demonstrating academic or career readiness. Points for this indicator are earned when students meet expectations for either academic or career readiness by:
• Meeting or exceeding a college readiness benchmark score on the college admissions examination or a college placement examination approved by the Kentucky Council on Postsecondary Education;
• Achieving a minimum of three hours of dual credit by completing a course approved by the KBE or qualifying for a minimum of three hours of postsecondary articulated credit associated with a statewide articulation agreement;
• Achieving a benchmark score on an Advanced Placement, International Baccalaureate, Cambridge Advanced International or other nationally recognized exam approved by the KBE that generally qualifies the student for three or more hours of college credit;
• Completing a required number of hours or achieving a benchmark within an apprenticeship, cooperative or internship that is aligned with a credential or associate degree and approved by the KBE after receiving input from the LSAC; or
• Achieving any industry-recognized certifications, licensures or credentials, with more weight in accountability for industry-recognized certifications, licensures or credentials identified as high demand.

Our high school CTE unit plays an integral part in our Postsecondary Readiness Indicator by offering 27 CTE pathways to our students.

 Congratulations to Henderson County High School for receiving a very high rating in Postsecondary Readiness.




Postsecondary Readiness


417 97.1%


 HCHS Graduation Rate

Graduation rate is the percentage of students completing the requirements for a Kentucky high school diploma compared to a cohort of students beginning in grade nine.

4 – Year 5 – Year
96% 96.3%


Click here for more information from the Kentucky Department of Education.

“We are pleased with the steady growth our schools are making, especially as we continue to focus on the areas of reading and math. We are very pleased to announce that no school in our district is classified as a Targeted Support and Improvement (TSI) school. This achievement highlights the hard work and dedication of our educators, students, and families in supporting academic success for all students. As the state continues to evaluate and change the state assessment system we know that as a district we will not wait to react to data, we will continue to pursue excellence in all that we do.” Dr. Bob Lawson, Superintendent of Henderson County Schools.




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