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Lane Closure on Southbound U.S. 41 Will Continue for Several Weeks

Henderson, KY, USA / WSON AM & FM
Lane Closure on Southbound U.S. 41 Will Continue for Several Weeks

Closure is needed to install sound walls

The single lane restriction in place on southbound U.S. 41 from Kentucky 351 to Audubon Parkway will last for several weeks. The closure is needed to construct the noise wall at Vanguard Avenue.

Drivers should also expect daily lane closures for the next several weeks at multiple locations along northbound and southbound U.S. 41 between Kentucky 425 and U.S. 60. Crews are continuing work on panel signs, lighting, guardrail, asphalt paving and final grading and seeding.

 Kentucky 351 Lane Closures

Lane closures along Kentucky 351 will continue as crews finish panel signs, lighting, stamped concrete, and landscaping.

U.S. 60 Lane Shifts

Additionally, lanes along U.S. 60 shifted and narrowed with smaller shoulders beginning today, March 18th. Crews continue work on the three roundabouts at U.S. 60 expected to open this summer.

The actual dates may be adjusted if inclement weather or other unforeseen activities occur. Drivers should slow down, avoid distractions, and observe the lower speed limit in work zones.

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